What is the Rapture and who is it for? The Rapture is not an easy escape from a world going into tribulation. The Rapture is a calling for a future work. Salvation is for 'whosoever will', but the Rapture is a people who have been purged and prepared to rule and reign during the millennium. JEHOVAH.JIREH.1.title LOUISVILLE.MS 64-0402 William Branham E-81 081 But if you could just realize that the very One that you serve and separated yourself from the world to serve, the very One that you love, the very One that's going to stand in the judgment--you in the judgment with Him to be judged, if His Presence can come right here and show that He's here... Now, His corporal body can't do it. When that comes, time's over. "As the lightning cometh from the east unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man be." But His Spirit in the church has come.
QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.title JEFF.IN COD 62-0527 SIXFOLD.PURPOSE.GABRIEL.VISIT.DAN.title JEFF.IN DA 45-88 61-0730E 98 058 Revelation the 20th chapter, and let's see. And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the keys to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. ... he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that... must be loosed a little season. QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.title JEFF.IN COD 64-0823M William Branham 970-222 125 Now, there you are, to the question awhile ago. See? At the judgment seat... Jesus, the church, the Bride, was raptured, went up into glory, and was up there and was married, returned back to the earth, and lived a thousand years. At the end of the thousand years Satan was loosed out of his prison, that is bound by an Angel with a chain, not a log chain, but a chain of circumstance; all of his subjects was in hell. All that was resurrected on the earth was redeemed and Jesus with them. He couldn't work on nothing; but at the end of the thousand years, the second resurrection... "Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection over which the second death has no power." Now notice, in this second resurrection, when they come up, then Satan's loosed out of his prison for a little season; then the judgment is set. Now, watch. Jesus with the Bride, as King and Queen, set at the throne, white throne judgment; and the books were opened, the books of the sinners. And another Book was opened, which was the Book of Life; and every man was judged thus by the Bride. "Know ye not (taking these little matters before the law)--know ye not that the saints shall judge the earth?" See, see? All right. ZECHARIAH 14:17 17 And it shall be, [that] whoso will not come up of [all] the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain. QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.title JEFF.IN COD 64-0823E 1045-233 117 The church, the lukewarm, the anything outside of the elected Bride will go through the tribulation period. They will not raise in the first resurrection: "The rest of the dead lived not for a thousand years," just the foreordained, predestinated, elected Bride, God's own elections. "Who is it, Brother Branham?" I don't know? I can't tell you who it is, but I know it's going to be there, 'cause the Lord said they would. See? They are the ones that'll go up from the tribulation, but the rest of them will go through the tribulation, go down, and everything will be killed before the millennium. Then the--the righteous shall come out in the millennium and live a thousand years. QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.title JEFF.IN COD 64-0830M 1093-Q-340 083 340. Does the millennium have to do with the one thousand years? Could it not be a generation? No. A generation allotted in the Bible is forty years. But the Bible said, "And they lived and reign with Christ one thousand years." It will be one thousand years upon the earth, 'cause one thousand years upon the earth is only counted a time, for parable like to God, as one day. One thousand years upon on the earth is only one day with God, as God counting time. How many understands that now? So it's that Sabbath day when the church will no more labor against sin. And Satan is bound for a little season, a thousand years, 'cause his subjects is all in hell, and his... The church that's on earth is redeemed and right in the Presence of Christ, so he has nothing he can work on. So it's not a chain, as I said, a log chain; it's a chain of circumstance; he has nothing he can do. He's helpless and hopeless, just waiting for the resurrection of the subjects; then they're separated as the sheep from the goats.
FUTURE.HOME.title JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 64-0802
GREATER.THAN.SOLOMON.title DALLAS.TX V-19 N-10 64-0306 ![]() |
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