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What is sin?

241 107 Now, the Blood of Christ takes away each stain, the stain of doubt. There's not a greater sin in the world than unbelief, "For he that believeth not is condemned already." Is that right? "He that believeth not is condemned." There's only one sin, and that's unbelief. Smoking's not a sin; cursing's not a sin; committing adultery's not a sin; lying is not a sin; that isn't sin; that's the results of unbelief. Unbelief, you do it because you don't believe. If you do believe It, you don't do it.
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Are you RaptureReady or not? The Scripture to Rapture of the Church has started. What is sin according to the Bible Scripture, You must be saved to be rapture ready before the Rapture. William Marrion Branham teaches of sin and pre-tribulation Rapture in the Scripture. We must be Rapture learn what the Bible and prophecy says. For opens many thoughts on salvation rapture. To be rapture ready is key to the rapture,sin or the body change according to Bible Scripture.

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